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Boost Prime CI4+ 15W-40 is a premium diesel engine oil specially designed with superior quality base stock and carefully selected additive technology for stringent lubrication requirements of BS IV commercial vehicles fitted with modern engine technologies and EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) systems.

Advantages And Potential Benefits:

• Exceptional soot handling capability controls oil thickening and reduces engine deposits.
• Superior protection against oil oxidation at extreme operating conditions increases oil service life.
• Enhanced wear protection of critical engine components increases engine life.
• Excellent protection against rust and corrosion under severe EGR conditions helps in reducing maintenance costs. ​

Available In

Recommended For

Low Temp. Fast Fuel Supply

Excellent Cleaning Power

High Lubricity Oil

Excellent Abrasion Resistance

High Temp. Stability

Reduce Fuel Consumption & Exhaust Gas


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